Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

Everland 2014

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

Direction to Mango Six Coffee Dessert location- A Gentleman Dignity


here i post the lastest spot for A Gentleman Dignity ^^
Mango Six Coffee and Dessert (Nonhyeon-dong 97, Seoul, South Korea)

1. take Seoul MRT and alight at Hak Dong Station (Line 7) exit 10

2. when u already in outside of exit 10, u will see this enviroment

3. go straight and you will find this (follow the red arrow)

4. you will find an intersection and please cross the road (keep walking straight) till you find white building with "GOLD TIME" signage and turn left.

5. Keep walking on the road side. (follow the red arrow)

6. you will find Mango Six Coffee and Dessert on your right ^^ 

Good luck all :)

thanks to google maps (^_*)v

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Direction to YG Building

Take Seoul Metro line 2 (light green) or 6 (brown) and alight at Hapjeong Station.

Use exit no. 8 you will find SK Gas Station #1

Keep going on the sidewalk and you will find this CHEERS on your right and keep walking

Not far, you will find Circle Hotel and SK Gas Station #2

Keep walking till you find a crossroad and you may cross it carefully till you find a restaurant 

and not far, you will see an apartment building

Turn left and you will start seeing YG building

Turn left when you GS25 and around 5m you will find the entrance of YG Building

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Direction to Tree J Company - Jang Geun Seok

Take Seoul Metro line 7 (dark green) and alight at Gangnam-Gu Office.

Use exit no. 4, turn back after you done the stairs and you will see Woori Bank and Hana Bank when you out. 

Keep going straight till you find a crossroad then turn right.

Keep going straight in the sidewalk till you find kimbab shop…but just pass it and keep going..hehehehe..

The post box looks good for a picture break…HAHAHAHAHA~

Keep walking till you find a hanbok store and Tree J Company right after that store.

and here is the building

thanks Naver,

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Direction to Princess Diary Cafe, Seoul

Hellow Princess...

awwwww, wanna feel like a priceless princess in Seoul ♡(⌒▽⌒)♡ .. so try this unique cafe suggest my friend, Kathleen..

Princess Diary Cafe in Ehwa Women University, Seoul
Seoul-si Seodaemun-gu Daehyeon-dong 54-9

so far i will only submit the direction cause i havent visited this place...

i visited this cafe last may 2013, and sooooo happy since no one there except me and the lady who is taking care the cafe...its really nice cafe with quiet many wedding dresses...and of course i have tried one of them...here some pictures from my own experiences in Princess Diary Cafe ^^

and here we go the directions for you ー(@ ̄ρ ̄@)ノ

1. alight in Ehwa Women University Station line 2 (green) exit 2 or exit 3

2. keep on walking the street between those exit
you will find meeting point like a garden on your left but keep on going straight ( ◉▿◉ )

3. stop when you find Juno Hair Building or ABLE+ then turn right

 4. you will find signage " Dress Cafe, Princess Diary" on your right...

i will post more when i get more information, hehehehe...

last time here, they will charge 6,000 won for a cup of all kind of drink and u can use the accessories provide and of taking pictures with those...

and for wedding gowns both western and hanbok, you must rent from 10,000-40,000 for each dress :)
they provide the suit for groom as well, so if you can grab your partner, you may get ur wedding pics here ^^...hehehe


credit: wonderful google ♡

Senin, 16 April 2012

Jika Aku Menjadi Tim Pengalaman Touch Korea Tour


kalau sampe jadi pemenang di Touch Korea Tour dan bisa jalan-jalan sekaligus punya guide kece kaya 2PM dan Miss A...yang pasti bakalan pamerrrrr di SNS..hahahaha.. o(*゚▽゚*)o

pertama-tama, semua kegiatan mulai dari menginjakkan kaki dari rumah, perjalanan ke bandara, flight ke Korea, landing d Korea, disambut sama 2PM dan Miss A, jalan-jalan bareng, makan-makan bareng, foto-foto bareng dan semua yang bareng sama mereka, jadwal acara yang termasuk dalam list Touch Korea Tour, farewell, flight balik k jakarta sampe ucapan terima kasih buat KTO dan semua yang sudah bantu bikin event ini...

sebenernya sebanyak apapun kita nulis pengalaman tapi klo materi tersebut ga sampe ke pembaca pasti ga ada gunanya...apalagi follower aku d twit, fb, youtube dan blog terbatas banget...jadi pasti minta bantuan dari komunitas lain untuk bantu re-twit atau menyebarkan link nya esp. KTO jakarta ataupun visit korea...

so far, aku sharing pengalaman sama temen-temen via email, fb dan twit...mereka biasanya tanya2 soal lokasi, itinerary ataupun tips selama travelling d sana....

keterbatasan wifi selama di korea juga jadi kendala buat aku update status selama berada d sana...so far foto2 baru bisa d update setelah sampe hostel atau pas dapet wifi d cafe atau subway station...

menurutku yang paling bagus memang sharing dan membuka kesempatan buat tanya jawab dengan audiences...lebih  bagus lagi bisa bantu mereka ngatur itinerary karena kebanyakan jadwal mereka di liburan ga lama dan hanya sekitar 4-9 hari...kan sayang banget klo sampe ada beberapa tempat yang bener-bener bagus atau bener-bener pengen dikunjungi tapi bubar jalan karena pas d sana bingung....

untuk promosi Pengalaman Touch Korea Tour, rencananya mau posting semua keterangan dengan gambar dan link blog d twitter dan fb...tapi karena keterbatasan character jadi bagi yang mau baca keterangan lebih lanjut setelah membaca twit dan fb bisa langsung connect k blog maupun youtube...sharing ke temen-temen semua baik yang kenal maupun ga kenal jadi bisa punya temen2 yang lebih banyakkkk (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

contoh twit dan fb status (dengan referensi foto):

1. take off to Korea ..walaupun masih d jakarta tapi udah semangat banget join di #TouchKoreaTour ..see you soon Korea \(^∇^)/

2. landing in #IncheonIntAirport...akhirnya sampai juga di Korea...yukkk mulai perjalanan seru #TouchKoreaTour

3. welcome by #TouchKoreaTour ambassador, 2PM and MissA ... penantian ketemu sama guide ganteng2 dan cantik2 terwujud ... pengen langsung peluk dan cium...hehehe (˘v˘)ε˘`)

4. hari ini puassss bgt keliling everland barengan #TouchKoreaTour ..bagi kalian yg k korea jangan lupa nyobain roller coaster dg rangka kayu #T-express

5. ga aneh klo org korea hobby ngumpul di cafe krn coffee shopnya keren & lucu banget ky #HelloKittyCafe...apalagi #TouchKoreaTour mau nemenin sambil sharing cerita ttg korea o(*゚▽゚*)o

6. #TouchKoreaTour pun berlabuh d cafe milik Kpop artis, salah satunya #Handel&Gretel Yesung Suju ..

7. #TouchKoreaTour buat budget traveler.. ga perlu khawatir krn byk kok tempat wisata d korea yang gratis dan menarik buat d kunjungi, salah satunya #CheongyecheonStream

8. buat kamu yg mau tahu ttg kebudayaan korea bisa loh mampir ke kantor KTO dan nyoba hanbok dan nulis nama dlm hangeul..kamu jg bs foto brg ambassador #TouchKoreaTour

9. bagi yang ketinggalan cerita aku selama ikutan #TouchKoreaTour bisa d baca d blog aku ataupun liputan khusus d FB KTO jakarta...semoga memberikan inspirasi bagi temen2 semua

yah itu sedikit yang bisa aku share kalau aku bisa ikutan Touch Korea Tour kali ini...pasti akan banyak banget yang bisa d share ke temen2 semua...biasanya cerita dari pengalaman lebih seru karena kita bisa kasi tips2 ke yang lain...ibarat kata pepatah, jangan jatuh k lubang yang sama tapi buat balik k negeri yang sama kaya Korea pasti ga bakalan bosen..
